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Beltamozhservice at the forum in Dushanbe

Representatives of Beltamozhservice are visiting Tajikistan as part of the delegation of the Republic of Belarus. Today they took part in the opening ceremony of the International Investment Forum "Dushanbe-2023", visited the exhibition of goods produced in the Republic of Tajikistan, took part in panel discussions, held a number of business meetings and B2B negotiations.

Within the framework of the forum RUE Beltamozhservice signed an agreement with a single export operator of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The International Investment Forum "Dushanbe-Invest 2023" takes place from 29 to 30 September in the capital of Tajikistan. It is attended by about 800 delegates from more than 30 countries, as well as more than 600 entrepreneurs and investors from Tajikistan and a number of countries around the world.

The day before, representatives of Beltamozhservice took part in the 16th meeting of the Belarusian-Tajik Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Belarusian-Tajik Business Council. Following the results of these events, Beltamozhservice signed a co-operation agreement with the Export Agency under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

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