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According to Article 343 of the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union, customs authorities apply customs convoy to ensure the transport of goods under customs control across the customs territory of the Union.
Customs convoy consists in escorting vehicles transporting goods under customs control or vehicles under customs control.
Places providing customs escort services:
RCCP "Kozlovichi"
RCCP "Warsaw Bridge"
TLC "Brest-Beltamozhservice"
TLC "Brest-Beltamozhservice-2"
JLLC "Brestvneshtrans".
JV "Transit".
Destinations:customs clearance points on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the border with the Russian Federation (bonded warehouse of LLC "Alfa-Trans" (Smolensk region).
Tariffs for services on escorting goods and (or) means of transport are established by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 829 of July 4, 2006 "On Establishing Tariffs for Services on Escorting (Customs Escort, Compulsory Escort) of Goods and (or) Means of Transport Moved on the Territory of the Republic by Road and Rail" and amount of 0.05 basic unit for one kilometer of mileage, but not less than 1 basic unit for one escorted vehicle used for transportation of goods and (or) means of transport.
List of documents required to execute a cargo escort contract:
– power of attorney for a representative (driver)
– CMR note
– passport (when concluding a contract with an individual).
If you have any questions regarding customs escort services, please contact us by tel.:
tel. landline +375 162 22 12 87,
mobile phone +375 33 670 36 16,
e-mail address: kzp@tlc.brest.by.
address: Brest, 121 Kleinikovskaya str.