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Beltamozhservice is an authorized economic operator

Beltamozhservice is an authorized economic operator; the company has been included in the register of authorized economic operators of the Republic of Belarus since 27.05.2011.

The Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union came into effect on January 1, 2018. Since then Beltamozhservice has become the first logistics company in the Republic of Belarus to receive a certificate of an authorized economic operator of the third type (BY/0001/TYPE 3).

The third type of the economic operator gives the enterprise the right to use all special simplifications provided for by the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union, such as:

1) performing customs operations related to the arrival of goods into the customs territory of the EAEU, the departure of goods fr om the customs territory of the EAEU, customs declaration and release of goods as a matter of priority;

2) non-provision of countervailing duties in cases wh ere the provision of such security is necessary when placing under the customs procedure of customs transit of goods, the declarant of which is an authorized economic operator, enforcement of the obligation to pay customs duties, taxes, special, anti-dumping,;

3) failure to provide security for the fulfillment of the obligation to pay customs duties, taxes, special, anti-dumping, countervailing duties on the release of goods, the declarant of which is an authorized economic operator, with the features provided for in Articles 121 and 122 of the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union;

4) release of goods before filing a declaration for goods in accordance with Articles 120 and 441 of the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union;

5) being prioritized when carrying out customs control in case of its appointment in the form of customs inspection or customs inspection;

6) recognition of seals imposed by an authorized economic operator on cargo spaces (compartments) of vehicles or parts thereof by customs authorities as means of identification;

7) non-provision of establishment of the route of transportation in respect of goods transported by an authorized economic operator;

8) priority participation in pilot projects and experiments conducted by customs authorities aimed at reducing the time and optimizing the procedure for customs operations;

9) the carrier, which is an authorized economic operator, performs unloading, reloading (transshipment) and other cargo operations with goods under customs control and exported fr om the customs territory of the EAEU, with the exception of goods transported (transported) in accordance with the customs procedure of customs transit, as well as the replacement of international transportation vehicles carrying such goods, by other means of transport. This includes the removal of the applied seals without the permission of the customs authority, in the region of activity of which the corresponding operation is carried out, or without its notification;

10) temporary storage of goods of authorized economic operators in facilities, premises (parts of premises) and (or) in open areas (parts of open areas) of the authorized economic operator;

11) temporary storage of goods of persons who are not authorized economic operators in facilities, premises (parts of premises) and (or) in open areas (parts of open areas) of an authorized economic operator, if this is provided for by the legislation of the member states;

12) delivery of goods to the customs control zone established in facilities, premises (parts of premises) and (or) open areas (parts of open areas) of an authorized economic operator, as well as their placement in such a customs control zone, customs control and customs operations related to the completion of the customs procedure of customs transit, in such structures, premises (parts of premises) and (or) on open areas (parts of open areas);

13) carrying out customs control in facilities, premises (parts of premises) and (or) in open areas (parts of open areas) of an authorized economic operator;

14) performing customs operations related to the customs declaration and release of goods in a customs authority other than the customs authority in the region of activity wh ere the goods are located, if such customs authorities are located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus;

15) the use of identification means used by customs authorities by an authorized economic operator.

Subjects of foreign economic activity who are clients of Beltamozhservice appreciate all the advantages of interaction with the enterprise, which allow saving both time and money.

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