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The train contains 41 containers, the volume of supplied products is about 2 thousand cubic meters.
The goods will be delivered to the Chisumu station in the PRC. The train will cover more than 7 thousand km in 14 days. & quot; RUP & quot; Beltamozhservice & quot; provides full logistic support of goods in communication with China. Today we are sending the 16th container train to China. Products of various Belarusian companies will be supplied to the Chinese market. This is beneficial for our exporters and overseas buyers. Thanks to inexpensive logistics, the Chinese consumer receives high-quality Belarusian products in a short time, '' said the director of the Minsk branch of RUE Beltamozhservice. Alexander Skachkovsky.
The company has created a multifunctional logistics network, which includes eight transport and logistics centers, access roads and a container site in the Minsk region. & quot; Beltamozhservice & quot; since 2016 has been actively developing projects on the Belt and Road initiative for the carriage of goods by rail as part of organized container trains, being at the same time a consignee / consignor, co-operator and forwarder. For nine months of 2020, the enterprise sent 627 containers to the PRC. The total volume of delivered products is 17 thousand tons. The travel time to the destination is 14-16 days. Places of delivery of goods in China - Taiyuan, Changsha, Chisumu.
Railway transport is one of the most economical, reliable and accurate methods of delivery of goods, it is universal when moving large volumes of goods over long distances, this explains its high market performance. The main advantage of container rail transportation is the absence of additional transshipments, the company noted.
Among the goods exported in this way are Belarusian sawn timber, peat, flax fiber, dry dairy products, starch. Products are supplied from different regions of the country. In the future, it is planned to increase the frequency of container trains and expand the range of goods shipped.
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