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Electronic navigation seals and traceability of goods movement in international seamless transportation

A series of round tables and discussions took place on April 19 within the framework of the international forum TIBO-2023. Within the framework of the forum, a thematic section "Eurasian digital transport Corridors and digital logistics" was held. The chief engineer of RUE "Beltamozhservice" Elena Skripchik made a report during it. The topic of the presentation is Electronic navigation seals and traceability of the movement of goods in international seamless transportation.

In her speech, Elena Skripchik noted that “Beltamozhservice” uses proprietary software to perform tasks for tracking and monitoring cargo transportation. She said that the project on the use of a navigation seal as a way to monitor the movement of a vehicle was launched in order to streamline the movement of transit cargo road transport in the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the resolutions of the Government of the Republic. This project has been extended to transport with goods placed under the customs procedure of customs transit through the territory of Belarus. To implement the project, Beltamozhservice uses software of its own development for tracking and monitoring cargo transportation. Monitoring is a platform for monitoring the location of goods and vehicles. "The platform ensures transparency and safety of transportation, solves the problem of unauthorized access to cargo, eliminates other risks," Elena Skripchik noted. She stressed that the Monitoring platform is already being used for customs control in the Republic of Belarus and is the first platform introduced at the state level on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union.

To ensure the continuous process of providing services for sealing vehicles in order to track their movement and monitor the status of an electronic device in real time, the enterprise uses tracking devices (seals).

Elena Skripchik spoke about the Belarusian-Russian experiment on the use of navigation seals in relation to certain categories of goods placed under the customs procedure of export. It was launched in 2022 between the national operators of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation (in accordance with the order of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission №29 dated 17.10.2022). The experiment uses seals of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

The integration of the information systems of the national operators of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation makes it possible to develop a mechanism for the use of navigation seals and prepare participants in foreign economic activity for the introduction of traffic tracking using navigation seals in the EAEU.

The application of a navigation seal on the cargo compartments of vehicles transporting timber and woodworking products is carried out at internal customs control points on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Monitoring of transported goods is carried out in real time both on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation with the display and transmission of information from both information systems of national operators.

The national operator of the Russian Federation carries out the removal of navigation seals.

It should be noted that on April 3, 2023, the Agreement on the Use of Navigation Seals for Tracking Traffic in the Eurasian Economic Union came into force. It is aimed at minimizing state control measures during the transportation of goods and ensuring their legal turnover on the territory of the EAEU.

“Beltamozhservice” is interested in developing tracking and monitoring of international transit traffic of goods using navigation devices and plans to develop the system in accordance with the decisions of the EEC and in the domestic market," Elena Skripchik summed up.

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