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Family Day was held in RUE "Beltamozhservice"

In order to strengthen the institution of the family as the basis of human morality and spirituality, as well as the cultivation of healthy family values ​​among the employees of the Enterprise, joint pastime and leisure with close family members, on October 3, 2020, an event was held in the Titan family entertainment center Family Day at RUE Beltamozhservice, which was attended by 170 employees and their family members.

Who is the source of inspiration for achieving your goals, who will come to the rescue at the necessary moment and will always be there? The only answer is family! Based on this statement and taking into account the value of the attention of each person to their loved ones, employees of the central office of the Enterprise were able to spend Saturday in the circle of their two families: relatives and colleagues.

As part of the event, a large and friendly company, everyone found something interesting and informative for themselves. The younger family members could experience all the possibilities of the children's labyrinth, play areas and the animation program, but the older representatives of the families had to defend the honor of the dynasty on bowling alleys and in competitions in the Qzar maze.

But the collective of the central office of the Enterprise turned out to be not only sports. Both adults and children could decipher riddles, find a way out and solve a puzzle by participating in cognitive quests, and cinema screenings in a 5-D cinema allowed getting various emotions.

Family ... A word that contains the traditions of our ancestors and hopes for our children. This is a word that follows with us from the first minutes. This is upbringing, rear and basis for every person. Appreciate and take care of your loved ones. Give them happy moments and smiles, because there is nothing more important than the word Family in life!

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