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Internship at the departmental customs clearance point "Brest-Beltamozhservis-2"

The constant process of learning and improving their professional qualities is a need not only for a specialist of any level, but also a necessity of modern society.

During her master's degree in Economics profiling "Foreign Economic Activity", Bazaka Vera Vladimirovna, a master's student of the Customs Department, underwent an internship at the Brest-TLC customs post, which serves a significant part of the Belarusian-Polish border flow. through the branch of RUE "Beltamozhservis" - transport and logistics center (TLC) "Brest-Beltamozhservis-2".

Today RUE "Beltamozhservice" is the largest Belarusian logistics operator, which also actively participates in the implementation of the state program for the development of the logistics system of Belarus. The Brest branch of RUE Beltamozhservis is one of the largest regional divisions of the enterprise.

The purpose of the internship within the dissertation research was to determine the areas of improvement of transport and logistics infrastructure of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the developed methodological approach to assessing its effectiveness.

The practice-oriented nature of the internship allowed Vera:

  • identify features and prospects for automation of logistics processes;
  • to gain practical knowledge about the order of interaction of subjects of foreign economic activity and customs bodies;
  • assess the interdependence and complementarity of customs and transport and logistics types of infrastructure;
  • to study the infrastructural components of the transport and logistics infrastructure and to formulate reserves for improving the efficiency of its use.

The acquired knowledge allowed to form proposals for the improvement of "transit-free" technology, carried out within the work of RPTO "Kozlovichi" and TLC "Brest-Beltamozhservis-2", for the defense of the master's thesis.

Training of highly qualified personnel with deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills is the key to successful and sustainable development of the state economy and its institutions.

Source: BelGUT website

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