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Complex logistics solutions from Beltamozhservice

One of the main trends in modern logistics is an integrated way of providing services. Leading logistics companies take on all the work related to the delivery of goods, their registration and support.

"Beltamozhservice" offers packages of integrated logistics services, formed to meet the individual needs of customers. Our competitive advantage is that the proposed integrated solutions are not a static set of services, but a constructor that allows us to create a final product that meets the highest logistics standards.

This "turnkey" service includes:

- consulting on the organisation of cargo transportation: selection of the type of transport, coordination of the route scheme, calculation of the cost of transportation;

- execution of documents required for the carriage of cargo;

- direct carriage of various cargoes: temperature-controlled, standard, oversized, prefabricated, heavy, project, TIR Carnet, and containerised cargoes;

- Recoupling/reloading of trucks and tractors registered in EU member states;

- 24/7 monitoring of the cargo location at every stage of its movement;

- carrier's liability insurance;

- forwarder's liability insurance;

- cargo insurance;

- the status of a customs carrier allows us to transport goods under customs control throughout the territory of the EAEU without applying measures to ensure compliance with customs transit.

The Beltamozhservice Service Centre also provides a comprehensive customer service approach. It is located in Minsk at 41 Mogilevskaya Street. The centre concentrates specialists of different profiles, who will help to conclude any of the agreements, receive fast and high-quality service, and advise on the issues of foreign economic activity. The service centre works daily, without weekends, from 9 to 21.00.

Today complex solutions from Beltamozhservice are in consistently high demand among the company's partner companies. In respect of regular customers, the programmes of complex services are regularly improved and optimised, offering the most advantageous conditions of joint work.

"Beltamozhservice": always on time!

For more information about the company's services, please call the single short number 197, as well as the international number +375 33 911 11 97. 

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