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About the status of Beltamozhservice as a 4PL-operator and much more, read in the interview of Natalia Kananovich, Director of the Grodno branch, to the magazine "Logistics.by".
- Natalya, recently RUE Beltamozhservice announced itself as a 4PL-operator. What does this status mean for the Grodno branch?
– This new level means a wider range of services and allows us to provide each service on a larger scale. We used to provide delivery, storage and customs clearance as a 3PL-operator. Now we follow the principle of "door-to-door". We deliver, store, transport and deliver to the final recipient. In other words, we can say that we have switched all the work to ourselves. Here it is appropriate to recall the word "outsourcing". When we were involved in the support of investment projects, it was the beginning of outsourcing. A business entity can concentrate on production activities or on standard work, and outsource functions that are not typical for it to a competent operator. In this case, this role is taken by Beltamozhservice. This is how we gradually came to the modern status of a 4PL-operator. We bring the goods, process and deliver them to the end consumer, do consolidation, deconsolidation, and deal with monologistics. The most important thing is the delivery of goods to end consumers, which can range from 5 to several hundreds.
Thus, distribution logistics also delegates responsibility of a 4PL operator, and we are happy to fulfil it. The Grodno branch, being a subdivision of RUE Beltamozhservice, can use an extensive system of warehouses throughout the territory of the Republic of Belarus. We can provide any logistics services in any region of our country in co-operation with other branches. We are able to do it and it works. We have concluded a number of partnership agreements with stevedoring companies in ports, with port agents, with foreign transport companies, with air carriers. The availability of our own rolling stock or long-term partnerships around the world allows us to provide logistics services anywhere in the world.