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Growth points identified and performance results summarised

The results of the company's work for July and seven months of 2023 are summarised at Beltamozhservice. A meeting of the balance sheet commission of the logistics operator is held on 25 August in Orsha, Vitebsk region.

Representatives of the company's senior staff went to Vitsebsk region to get acquainted with the organisation of Beltamozhservice logistics infrastructure facilities on site. The Commission familiarised itself with the work of TLCs and provision of services to foreign economic entities.

Heads of structural subdivisions of Beltamozhservice central office and all branches of the company joined the participants of the event in the online mode. The meeting summed up the results of financial and economic activities for July and seven months of 2023, problematic issues and considered options for optimisation of work.

Further, the participants of the balance commission visited the production and technical base of Orsha Flax Mill and got acquainted with the system and organisation of work.

The important importance in the programme of work of the balance commission is given to the activities of spiritual and moral orientation and preservation of historical memory. The participants of the meeting laid flowers at the foot of the memorial "Barrow of Immortality".

The participants of the visiting balance commission also visited the Church of Transfiguration of the Lord of Vitebsk diocese of the Belarusian Orthodox Church.

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