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Representatives of Beltamozhservice participate in the Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia

First Deputy General Director Alexander Skachkovsky and the Director of the Mogilev branch Mikhail Mayevsky are taking part in the X Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia, which is being held in Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan) on June 26-28, 2023.

The main objectives of the Forum of Regions are to strengthen inter-parliamentary, trade, economic, scientific, educational, cultural ties between the two countries, expand business contacts, and develop promising areas of cooperation. The senior officials of both states take part in the Forum.

In 2023, the theme of the anniversary Forum is "The 10th anniversary of the Forum of Regions of Russia and Belarus: results and prospects". Governors from 12 regions of Russia, all regions of Belarus, senators and members of the government gathered in Ufa. The 10th meeting is expected to result in signing of at least 25 joint agreements. Most of them are contracts for the supply of equipment and the creation of new joint assembly facilities.

Traditionally, the program of the event includes both business and cultural parts. A large-scale exposition of Belarusian manufacturers has already begun its work, which includes products of the Belarusian food industry and the latest developments in agriculture, mechanical engineering, petrochemical production and machinery.

Representatives of RUE "Beltamozhservice" take part in the main events of the Union Forum and the work of sections on areas of activity, participate in negotiations and business events.

The Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia has been held since 2014 with the support of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

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