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Performance results and growth points

The results of the company's work during April and four months of 2023 are being summed up in "Beltamozhservice". The meeting of the balance commission of the logistics operator takes place on June 2 at the Brest branch of "Beltamozhservice".

Representatives of the management of the enterprise went to the Brest region to get acquainted with the functioning of the logistics infrastructure facilities of Beltamozhservice. The members of the balance commission visited the multimodal transport and logistics center "Brest-Beltamozhservice-3", the first stage of which began operating in 2022. The Commission got acquainted with the work of the TLC and the provision of services to subjects of foreign economic activity.

After the visit to the TLC, the work of the balance commission continued within the framework of the meeting. The heads of structural divisions of the central office of Beltamozhservice and all branches of the enterprise joined the participants of the event online. The meeting summed up the results of financial and economic activities during April and four months of 2023, problematic issues and considered options for optimizing work.

After summing up the results and setting the task for the next period of activity, the balance commission will attend the final match of the customs authorities’ the mini-football championship and take part in the closing ceremony of the competition.

The activities of spiritual and moral direction and preservation of historical memory are of great importance in the work program of the balance commission. The participants of the meeting will visit the monument dedicated to the soldiers of the Soviet Army who died in July of 1944 during the liberation of the Brest region in the village of Znamenka. They will lay flowers at the foot of the monument and honor the memory of the heroes with a minute of silence.

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