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Train of friendship and cooperation: Belarus - China

Tomorrow, October 8, 2020 at 15:00, within the framework of the Belarusian-Chinese cooperation and the implementation of the "One Belt - One Road" initiative, 2,000 cubic meters will be shipped. dry dairy products by container train to China, which will deliver the goods to the station. Chisumu of the People's Republic of China, having covered more than 7000 km. in 14 days. The train starts from the Minsk-Beltamozhservice-2 TLC (village Shchitomirichi).

Taking into account the strategic cooperation of the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China in the field of foreign economic activity, the Government of the Republic of Belarus has set tasks for the development of projects within the framework of the "One Belt - One Road" initiative. Since 2016, RUE Beltamozhservice has been actively developing projects within the framework of the One Belt - One Way initiative for the carriage of goods by rail as part of organized container trains, being at the same time a consignee / consignor, co-operator and forwarder of container trains.

RUE "Beltamozhservice" is the largest logistics operator in the Republic of Belarus, capable of assisting in the development of foreign trade and logistics relations between the Republic of Belarus and the countries of near and far abroad. The founder of the Enterprise is the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus.

Today, RUE Beltamozhservice has created a multifunctional logistics network, which includes 8 class A transport and logistics centers with a total warehouse area in all regions of the country of more than 74,000 m2, as well as its own driveways and container yard in the Minsk region.

Thus, using a well-developed warehouse infrastructure, RUE Beltamozhservice has significant experience in consolidating goods from Belarusian and foreign exporters, including within the framework of mutual trade with the People's Republic of China.

Tomorrow RUE "Beltamozhservice" will send the 16th container train to the People's Republic of China. The train includes 41 containers with dry dairy products, the volume of supplied products is about 2000 cubic meters. The container train will deliver the goods to the station. Chisumu of the People's Republic of China in 14 days.

Today, any exporting organization of the Republic of Belarus can contact RUE Beltamozhservice to arrange shipment of goods to China.

At the same time, the Company provides a full range of services, ranging from the conclusion of purchase and sale transactions, the formation of consignments of goods, obtaining the necessary permits, interaction with government agencies, placement under the appropriate customs procedure, ending with the direct delivery of goods to the Consignees to the place of sale.

For 9 months of 2020, RUE "Beltamozhservice" sent 13 container trains to the People's Republic of China, which amounted to 627 containers. The total volume of delivered products is 17 thousand tons. Travel time to the destination is 14-16 days. Places of delivery of goods in the People's Republic of China - Taiyuan, Changsha, Chisumu.

The range of exported goods is very wide. These categories of goods include lumber, peat, flax fiber, dry dairy products, starch - products supplied from different regions of Belarus. Due to the well-established system of consolidation of goods on the territory of our logistics center, the consignor does not have to think about how to combine everything at one point of departure, RUE Beltamozhservice offers a comprehensive solution to transport issues. All this allows you to significantly save on the delivery of goods, which increases their price competitiveness in foreign markets.

In the future, it is planned to increase both the increase in the frequency of container trains and the expansion of the range of goods sent.

We invite media representatives for coverage, a press approach is planned.

For all questions, please contact the press secretary Larisa Iosifovna Telitsa, tel. 017-359 25 02, l.telitsa@btslogistics.by

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