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In order to regulate prices under conditions of external challenges, the State Customs Committee monitors the cost of imported consumer goods

In order to regulate prices in the conditions of external challenges, the State Customs Committee will monitor the cost of imported consumer goods from October 2022. This function is entrusted to the customs authorities by the Government Decree.

The results of monitoring indicate a significant number of attempts to import goods, the cost characteristics of which exceed the upper indicative limits of contract prices. Such cases are reported to the Ministry of Antimonopoly and Trade.

In order to cover the entire range of consumer goods, the SCC has developed a classifier of additional customs information.

This mechanism allows the 10-digit code of the EAEU Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activities to be supplemented with 4 more characters. Today, more than 15 thousand "mono-commodity" lines of the 14-digit code have been formed. This makes it possible to detail in coded form the essential characteristics of the transported goods, which have a direct impact on their price.

Source: SCC website.

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