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Virtually, creatively and effectively

The virtual stand of "Beltamozhservice"  has started work within the framework of the XI International Economic Forum "Innovations. Investment. Prospects" in Vitebsk. The forum will begin its full-time work on May 18 in the Summer Amphitheater of Vitebsk. The company "Beltamozhservice" is an exhibitor in the section "Investments. Cooperation. Projects"

A distinctive feature of the forum's exhibitions this year is the demonstration of a cluster approach in organizing a mechanism for the qualitative transformation of regional economic systems. The development of regions based on cluster principles is relevant and has high practical significance. The development of the Vitebsk region is presented as an interconnected cooperation of enterprises, organizations, and the education system, united around a scientific and educational center, linked by partnerships with government authorities in order to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, the region and the national economy.

The main points of growth of the region are reflected in the formed exhibitions: "The territory of innovations in industry", "Light industry – a platform of opportunities for cooperative cooperation", "Innovations in pharmacy, healthcare, medicine", "Energy: resources and technologies", "Investments. Cooperation. Projects", "Tourism potential of Vitebsk region", "Innovative equipment and machinery" and "Agro-industrial potential of Vitebsk region".

The uniqueness of the events is in the creation of a multifunctional interactive platform that allows you to combine the participation of guests of the Forum present in person, online registered participants, virtual exhibition and full–time exhibitors.

More than 20 foreign delegations from 10 countries of the world confirmed their participation in the Forum. The heads of diplomatic missions of the People's Republic of China, Vietnam, the United Arab Emirates, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in the Republic of Belarus, the diplomatic corps of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran will take part in the events of the Forum. Delegations from three provinces of the People's Republic of China, business leaders and government representatives from 12 regions of the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the Republic of Turkey, and the Islamic Republic of Iran showed interest in establishing closer mutually beneficial relations at the Forum "Innovations. Investments. Prospects".

We invite you to visit the pavilion of the enterprise at the virtual exhibition, and we are also waiting at the stand of Beltamozhservice (pavilion 2) as part of the forum on May 18-19.

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