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A new issue of the magazine "Logistics.by" has been published

The theme of the issue is –  "Road transport and roads of Belarus".

From the interview with Andrei GLADKY Head of the Department of Road and Urban Passenger Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Belarus, you will find out:

what measures are being taken to support and stabilise international road transport;

how the Union Programme is being implemented in terms of unification of transport market regulation;

positive decisions in the permit system.

In the "Logistics Service" section Natalia KANANOVICH , Director of the Grodno branch of RUE Beltamozhservice, speaks about how specialists support investment projects, conduct experiments and introduce new technologies.

The "Analytical Review" is about the prospects of recreating a unified transport system in the EAEU and its foundation - the transport complex of Russia.

"Personnel issue" is a new column in which Alexander BURDA , Head of the Personnel Development Department of RUE Beltamozhservice, tells about the requirements to the personnel and the key directions of the personnel policy of the enterprise.

The jewel of the Prinemanya region - the August Channel - in the rubric "Tourism in Belarus. Heritage".

In the "World of Hobbies" – an interesting story of realisation of a dream to create a railway mini-world.

Logistics.by magazine is published once every 2 months. It publishes topical materials on organisation and management in logistics, effective solutions and best practices for logistic specialists, comments of experts and specialists. The materials are addressed to the specialists of forwarding and transport companies and firms, freight terminals, sales, employees of logistics services.

You can subscribe to the magazine at the publishing house "Beltamozhizdat" at the address: 19 Chicherina St., Minsk, room 101-104.

For more details on subscription to Logistics.by, please visit http://www.beltamojizdat.by.

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