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XI International Scientific and Practical Conference

Dear colleagues and participants in foreign economic activity!

We invite you to take part in

XI International Scientific and Practical Conference

"Innovative processes in the customs sphere: interaction with the business community in modern conditions"

Date : September 17, 2020

Time : 9.30-13.30

Format of the event : videoconference

Conference program:

Participants : representatives of state bodies of the Republic of Belarus - the State Customs Committee, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Ministry of Economy, the State Committee for Standardization, the Republican Union of Participants customs relations, subjects of foreign economic activity, teaching staff of higher education institutions.

The purpose of the conference : increasing the efficiency of interaction between customs authorities and the business community, promoting the development of foreign economic activity in the Republic of Belarus and in the Eurasian Economic Union.

During the conference, it is planned to discuss topical issues and problems in the field of customs administration, including:

- novelties of the new edition of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On customs regulation in the Republic of Belarus";

- practical implementation of innovative technologies of customs control: improving control during the transit of goods;

- enforcement practice of customs legislation in terms of calculating and collecting customs payments, as well as special, anti-dumping, countervailing duties;

- changes in administrative legislation;

- interaction with business entities through a unified automated information system of customs authorities.

Within the framework of the conference, you can make additions to the program proposed by the organizers in order to receive answers to questions of interest arising in the implementation of foreign economic activity.

Questions can be sent in advance to the organizers' mailing address or asked during the event.

It is possible to publish in the collection of articles based on the results of the conference with the presentation of an electronic version to all participants.

Check out the conference program :

For participation in the conference, you can contact us:

8 (017) 219-41-21


e-mail: gipk@customs.gov.by

8 (017) 218-94-77

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