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Magazine “Logistics.BY" – at the TransRussia-2023 exhibition

A new issue of the bright B2B magazine “Logistics.BY” was presented at the stand of the national logistics operator “Beltamozhservice”. The industrial and practical publication on the latest trends in the logistics industry is designed to assist exporters in promoting products on international markets.

An expert survey of potential readership is being conducted at the Beltamozhservice stand in order to establish feedback with business representatives, to study during the international exhibition TransRussia-2023 modern trends in the development of the transport and logistics sector, as well as to identify the most popular, relevant and interesting topics in the field of transport and logistics, to take them into account when forming content in the magazine "Logistics.BY".

Respondents are asked to scan a QR code and answer several questions online. Adherents of the traditional method of conducting surveys are given the opportunity to take a questionnaire directly at the stand of the enterprise. The data obtained will be used in the formation of the journal's information agenda "Logistics.BY".

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