Main / Transport and forwarding activities / PRIOR NOTIFICATION OF THE CUSTOMS AUTHORITIES
Beltamozhservice provides services of preliminary notification of customs authorities of EU/EACT countries about the upcoming transportation with obtaining a local reference (identification) number LRN for identification of goods and vehicles in the information systems of these countries, and also provides a financial guarantee for the transportation of goods and vehicles under customs control on the territory of these countries for presentation to the customs authorities of EU countries, by drawing up a declaration form T1. The form is drawn up on the basis of accompanying documents.
Product released for free circulation EC/EACT
Goods left EC/EACT territory
Goods placed under customs warehousing
By applying to Beltamozhservice for services related to placing goods under customs procedures, you will receive a set of services, including the preparation of T1 with financial guarantee, in one place, make payment once and proceed to the customs office of destination without any obstacles!
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System «ЕРИП»Other payments