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20 October: Digitalisation in logistics, transport and other industries

For the first time under the auspices of RUE "Beltamozhservice" and  branch "Beltamozhizdat" on 20 October 2023 will be held the International scientific and practical conference "Digitalisation in logistics, transport and other industries". The event will be held at the headquarters of Beltamozhservice (27 Lermontova Street), starting at 10:00.

The conference is held with the purpose of practical implementation of drawing the attention of the professional community to the topics of scientific activities in the field of customs legislation, as well as promoting the growth of exports of goods, services, commodity flows through the territory of the Republic of Belarus, improving the quality and efficiency of transport services on the basis of digital transformation, development of innovations in transport and logistics, further development of international cooperation.

The event will be held in a mixed format: face-to-face or online participation in the plenary session and (or) discussion panel is possible.

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