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BelTA: Beltamozhservice and BUCE to expand cooperation in cross-border trade

The Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange and the logistics operator RUE “Beltamozhservice” intend to maximize cooperation in all areas in order to provide Belarusian enterprises with a full range of services in the field of cross-border trade. This was stated by the first deputy General Director of RUE "Beltamozhservice" Alexander Skachkovsky at a seminar on the use of the exchange mechanism in trade and procurement activity, the press secretary of the BUCE Roman Yaniv told BelTA.

"Just as trading on the stock exchange is impossible without moving goods from the seller to the buyer, so does logistics lose all meaning in the absence of a purchase and sale transactions. Accordingly, digital tools and services provided by the exchange platform should be considered together with transport and logistics services. Thus, we are creating a kind of "one window" for business, a single electronic platform through which a Belarusian enterprise will be able to find a business partner online, conclude a contract with him and arrange delivery of goods. Moreover, it can be either a transaction between two residents of Belarus, or a foreign trade operation with the participation of a foreign counterparty. I am sure that combining the resources of Beltamozhservice and the exchange will open up new opportunities for national business entities and increase the efficiency of their activities in the national market and abroad," Alexander Skachkovsky stressed.

RUE “Beltamozhservice” has been participating in stock trading since 2016 as a trader, and the company received the status of a broker of the BUCE in 2019. The company assists to Belarusian and foreign companies in concluding transactions on the exchange-trading platform. One of the most significant joint projects of BUCE and RUE "Beltamozhservice" was the organization of export deliveries of Belarusian lumber to China using container transport.

JSC "Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange" was established in 2004. The first auction took place in June 2005. BUCE is one of the largest commodity exchanges in Eastern Europe. The main function of the exchange is to assist Belarusian enterprises in exporting products and to help foreign companies enter the Belarusian market. Metal, timber, agricultural products, industrial and consumer goods of a wide range are sold on the exchange.

Source: BelTA.

Additional sources: BUCESBPrimepress.

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