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Brest branch of RUE «Beltamozhservice» received the GDP certificate

Transport and logistics center "Brest-Beltamozhservice-2" has successfully passed the certification for compliance with Good Distribution Practice (GDP) in the pharmaceutical industry.


RUE «Beltamozhservice», as the leading logistics operator of the Republic of Belarus, was one of the first in the country to receive confirmation of the compliance of its warehouse complexes with high international standards and is ready to provide services for the storage and processing of medicines, including those requiring certain temperature regimes.

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2019, No. 499 "On the Circulation of Medicines", from January 1, 2021, the owners of customs warehouses and temporary storage warehouses during the processing and storage of medicines must comply with the Rules of Good Distribution Practice.


The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus gave out the conclusion on compliance with the Rules of Good Distribution Practice within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union. It confirms that, based on the information obtained during the inspection of the Brest branch of RUE «Beltamozhservice» conducted by the State Pharmaceutical Supervision in the Sphere of Medicines Circulation, 14 and On July 15, 2021, the storage and warehousing of goods (medicines) complies with the Rules of Good Distribution Practice within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union.


The temporary storage warehouse of TLC "Brest-Beltamozhservice-2" includes a refrigerating chamber for 104 pallet places with a maintained temperature regime of +2 - +8, the possibility of floor and rack storage over 2,200 m2. The total area of the warehouse complex of TLC "Brest-Beltamozhservice-2" is more than 15,000 m2.

Today four temporary storage warehouses in the Republic of Belarus have certificates for compliance with good distribution practice. Three of them belong to RUE «Beltamozhservice»: TLC «Mogilev – Beltamozhservice», TLC «Brest-Beltamozhservice-2».

A similar conclusion with regard to the warehouse space of the «Gomel-Beltamozhservice» TLC planned to obtain.

For reference: Good Distribution Practice (GDP) is a quality assurance system for warehouse enterprises in the field of drug circulation. Internationally accepted GDP rules require distributors of pharmaceutical products to comply with these standards.

The implementation of GDP rules ensures that consistent quality management systems are in place throughout the supply chain: from the delivery of raw materials to manufacturing plants to the shipment of finished products to final users. It is based on the approaches and principles of Good Distribution Practice adopted in the EU and recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Maintaining product safety and quality during storage and handling is critical in the pharmaceutical industry.

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