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State Customs Committee: Unification of national legislation and exchange of best practices

Today, the participants of the 42nd meeting of the customs services of the members of the Eurasian Economic Union discussed the issues of practical cooperation and improvement of the unified customs administration on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The meeting, which took place in the Vitebsk region, was attended by delegations of the customs services fr om Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Belarus, as well as the heads of EEU, the Member of the Board (Minister) for Customs Cooperation of the EEC, the administration of the Secretariat and the Department of Customs Legislation of the EEC.

"Such meetings help our countries bring our positions on the law enforcement together. At such events, we exchange practices, as well as discuss the most difficult issues. All this is necessary in order to find common measures and methods of work," Chairman of the State Customs Committee of Belarus Vladimir Orlovsky said in his opening remarks.

20 issues, put on the agenda by all customs services, were coordinated at the event. Unified approaches concerning customs declaration and customs control, filling in customs declarations, classification of goods, electronic document management have been regulated.

Special attention is paid to the use of electronic navigation seals, which will be used throughout the EAEU starting next year. Belarus has gained a lot of experience in this matter. Today almost all foreign trucks that travel through our territory are tracked by such a mechanism.

"The Joint Board of Customs Services of the member of the Eurasian Economic Union solves the issues of standardization of customs administration practices and approaches. The EAEU has a single customs territory and there are no internal customs borders. Therefore, in order for all countries to develop in the same way from an economic point of view, a single customs administration should be provided at all borders," said Ruslan Davydov, Chairman of the Board - Acting Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Earlier the customs officers visited the checkpoint "Grigorovshchina", located on the Belarusian-Latvian border, wh ere they got acquainted with the activity of the Belarusian customs.


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