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The topic of the issue is "Water transport of Belarus"
You will learn from an interview with the head of the Department of Sea and River Transport of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus Andrey CHERNOBYLETS:
• about the role of waterways in the transport system of the Republic;
• about the vectors of international cooperation in this area;
• about the prospects of sea transportation.
The category "Logistics service" will tell about the activities of the Gomel branch of RUE "Beltamozhservice", its long-term plans and ambitious projects.
In the "Analytical review", you will learn about the trends in the development of road transport and multimodal logistics from RUE "Beltamozhservice".
“The Forums” section will provide readers with an overview of the most significant events in international logistics.
The authors of the rubric "Tourism in Belarus. The Heritage" will tell about the Museum of the Great Patriotic War and Khatyn, sacred for every Belarusian.
Read "Logistics.BY" and explore the world of logistics together with professionals!
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